What exactly are you doing and what's your problem.
That's funny. I get asked that question a lot.
An MDB (Access/Jet) database exists for this project. We are using
ADO.NET to connect to it with the OleDbXXX family of classes. There
are a couple different scenarios where we encounter the problem. One
of the most common is in automated integration tests using a test
version of the database.
Pseudo-code for test fixture setup:
// Create connection object to the MDB and open it
// (Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\...
\Test.mdb;Persist Security Info=False)
// Create command object, CommandType = CommandType.Text
// Set the CommandText to an "INSERT INTO " statement of some sort
// ExecuteNonQuery
// System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000);
That Sleep is currently necessary to work around the problem. Without
it the tests will run but fail because they won't see the results of
I have learned that unlike ADO, in ADO.NET the only way to set
provider specific values is on the connection string. However, based
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/318161 there no longer seems to be
a way to set the "Jet OLEDB:Flush Transaction Timeout" at all because
it cannot be used in the connection
string, only once a connection has been established.