Any way to compare VBA code in different workbooks?



I have a Work-in-Process workbook and a Production workbook that many people
use daily. Sometimes I can grab the Production workbook and make VBA changes
but other times I have to make changes in the WIP version. Is there any way
to compare VBA code in two different workbooks?


Export the modules from each workbook and then rename the files from .bas to

Then import the .txt files into separate columns in a worksheet and do a
column comparison.

Bob Phillips

Or use a text editor that compares, as they are only text files.



(change the xxxx to gmail if mailing direct)

Dave Peterson

MSWord has a comparison utility (Tools|Compare and Merge documents).

But you'll have to put the code into .txt files (or .doc files).

Jim Cone

Or maybe just use the latest version in both workbooks ?
Jim Cone
San Francisco, USA

<[email protected]>
wrote in message
I have a Work-in-Process workbook and a Production workbook that many people
use daily. Sometimes I can grab the Production workbook and make VBA changes
but other times I have to make changes in the WIP version. Is there any way
to compare VBA code in two different workbooks?

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