Any W7 beta mirror sites?

  • Thread starter Thread starter ToddAndMargo
  • Start date Start date


Hi All,

Anyone know of a mirror site where I can download
Windows 7 Beta without having to sign up for that
annoying Windows Live ID?

Many thanks,
Eh? Windows Mail has been part of Vista since it was released. But that
isn't what Todd is referring to.

Todd (I will reply here because I can't see your original question), You
need to go to the official site as you have to sign up to recieve a license
key to be able to use it anyway. You can sign an existing email address to
a Live ID, you don't need a new MSN/HOTMAIL/LIVE account.

olfart said:
try Google

If you want their email with Windows 7 you have to go through Windows Live
anyway. They have done away with Outlook.
BTW...been fooling with 7 for about a week. Kinda like it....less crappola
than Vista

I have heard the same thing. I have a virtual machine waiting
to try it out. Be kind of fun to play it against my virtual
XP and virtual Vista (Edsel edition).
nak said:
Eh? Windows Mail has been part of Vista since it was released. But
that isn't what Todd is referring to.

I do believe he meant email referring to Windows 7. In other words,
marketing spam.
Todd (I will reply here because I can't see your original question),
You need to go to the official site as you have to sign up to recieve a
license key to be able to use it anyway. You can sign an existing email
address to a Live ID, you don't need a new MSN/HOTMAIL/LIVE account.

I get stuck at:

which asks for an eMail address and password.

I presumed that they were going to create
an eMail account on one of their services.
I tried this but the screen kept going back
to the original page after pressing submit
with no error (red mark) messages.

But, if it is asking for one of my existing
eMail address, that is okay, but it is also
asking for my password, which is oh so not okay.

Do you know of a link where I can just download
the damn thing.

Many thanks,
Yeah, what he said!

nak said:
Eh? Windows Mail has been part of Vista since it was released. But that
isn't what Todd is referring to.

Todd (I will reply here because I can't see your original question), You
need to go to the official site as you have to sign up to recieve a
license key to be able to use it anyway. You can sign an existing email
address to a Live ID, you don't need a new MSN/HOTMAIL/LIVE account.

ToddAndMargo said:

why don't you go ahead and get a Live email acct. You can always ignore it
and trash it later. At least it will get you a copy of 7 while it's still
available and I think you will like the improvement over Vista.. Some mirror
sites and torrents may show up, but you don't know what trash they may throw
in there to screw you up.
A hint......when you burn the iso to a DVD, do it at the slowest speed
possible. Some who have done a fast burn have had problems.
olfart said:
try Google

If you want their email with Windows 7 you have to go through Windows Live
anyway. They have done away with Outlook.
BTW...been fooling with 7 for about a week. Kinda like it....less crappola
than Vista
Found this on Google:

which references
for the 32 bit version.

Is this the right version?

olfart said:
why don't you go ahead and get a Live email acct. You can always ignore it
and trash it later. At least it will get you a copy of 7 while it's still
available and I think you will like the improvement over Vista.. Some mirror
sites and torrents may show up, but you don't know what trash they may throw
in there to screw you up.

Good idea
A hint......when you burn the iso to a DVD, do it at the slowest speed
possible. Some who have done a fast burn have had problems.

Thank you for the tip!

I have had really good luck burning iso's with Deep Burner
under Wine (Linux's Windows emulator). Good luck with
CD Burner XP under native XP too.

I will be using Virtual Box as my virtual machine.
It uses the iso's directly as a native CD, so I
will be relieved of the burning task.

I will keep in mind your tip, if I eventually
go burning this iso.

Many thank,
ToddAndMargo said:
olfart wrote:

Good idea

Kind of tried that. When I press the "I Accept" button,
it just recycles the sign up page -- of course erasing
everything I entered. No error messages. No "you forgot"
remarks. Just the virgin sign up page.


They have done away with Outlook.

No, they have not done away with Outlook. But, they have discontinued
Outlook Express.
They have discontinued *calling* it Outlook Express. IMO they merely gussied
it up a bit and now call it Windows Mail. :)
Walter said:
They have discontinued *calling* it Outlook Express. IMO they merely
gussied it up a bit and now call it Windows Mail. :)

And that's been dumped for Windows Live Mail.

They have discontinued *calling* it Outlook Express. IMO they merely gussied
it up a bit and now call it Windows Mail. :)

There has long been a lot of confusion between the two similar names
for two very different programs, Outlook and Outlook Express. So
Microsoft finally addressed this in Windows Vista and gave the latest
version of what is essentially Outlook Express a brand-new
name--Windows Mail.

That was an excellent step in the right direction, as far as I'm
concerned, but they muddied the water once again by creating other
names now easily confused with Windows Mail, such as Windows Live
There has long been a lot of confusion between the two similar names
for two very different programs, Outlook and Outlook Express. So
Microsoft finally addressed this in Windows Vista and gave the latest
version of what is essentially Outlook Express a brand-new
name--Windows Mail.

That was an excellent step in the right direction, as far as I'm
concerned, but they muddied the water once again by creating other
names now easily confused with Windows Mail, such as Windows Live

Do you guys remember the days of Windows XP and Office XP.
Had several customers get in my face over having to
buy Office separate. They though it they already owned
XP. I am glad those days are over! (For my customer with
Office XP, I refuse to call it XP, rather I call it
"Office 2002". Ends the confusion.)
