I’ve been creating simple (and I do mean simple) Access apps during th
past few months. I’ve taught myself much, and learned many excellen
tips from forums and the rest of the ‘net. What I’m looking for now i
to learn VBA. Specifically, I’m looking for a book that is somewher
between beginner and intermediate levels.
Of the half dozen or so books I find, the so-called beginner titles ar
either too vague or just too simple. There seems to be nothing i
between, as the rest of the books are far too advanced for my need
right now. I need something to get my feet wet with VBA and teach m
the basics of the language at the beginning, then move to giving m
real-world examples of how to make an Access app look and functio
I’ve read all the reviews on Amazon, looked through the titles I coul
find at the local bookstore, and still can’t make a decision on whic
one to drop $50+ on. At this point, I don't need anything too advance
just yet. Anyone have a recommendation for the book that more or les
fits into what I’m looking for? I realize that there may have to be
books purchased and not just one, and that people's opinions all depen
on how the book fit their own needs. (There are no VBA classes at th
local comm.college either, thus the reason I’m looking for book(s
past few months. I’ve taught myself much, and learned many excellen
tips from forums and the rest of the ‘net. What I’m looking for now i
to learn VBA. Specifically, I’m looking for a book that is somewher
between beginner and intermediate levels.
Of the half dozen or so books I find, the so-called beginner titles ar
either too vague or just too simple. There seems to be nothing i
between, as the rest of the books are far too advanced for my need
right now. I need something to get my feet wet with VBA and teach m
the basics of the language at the beginning, then move to giving m
real-world examples of how to make an Access app look and functio
I’ve read all the reviews on Amazon, looked through the titles I coul
find at the local bookstore, and still can’t make a decision on whic
one to drop $50+ on. At this point, I don't need anything too advance
just yet. Anyone have a recommendation for the book that more or les
fits into what I’m looking for? I realize that there may have to be
books purchased and not just one, and that people's opinions all depen
on how the book fit their own needs. (There are no VBA classes at th
local comm.college either, thus the reason I’m looking for book(s