Rod Speed said:
Then you are completely mad to be using RAID0
which substantiall risks ALL your data because
you will lose the lot if one hard drive dies.
Believe me, I have thought long and hard about this. I do realize the risks
involved in a plain RAID0 scheme, and I am doing it anyway. I really don't
mind losing all of the data, as I will backup the *important* data at
regular intervals. If a drive fails, I will just end up having to replace
the drive, create a new array, and reinstall windows and apps. A pain in
the ass yes, the end of the world no.
If you want to have a play, use RAID 1. That will at least
provide some protection against single drive failure.
BUT hardware RAID has the big problem that if the
motherboard dies, you cant necessarily plug the
drive into a replacement and carry on regardless.
Makes more sense to use OS level mirroring instead.
Its not that I just want to play, I want to play FAST. I don't know that
RAID 1 has anything to offer me except fault tolerance and maybe even a
small performance decrease. If I had the money, I would do both, that is
mirror a striped array. As far as hardware vs. software, I totally agree
that OS level raiding has its advantages. Like you said, I might not be
able to just replace the MB and be on my way. In addition to that, an extra
hardware RAID card just adds one more point of failure, however I want to
build the system to be totally optimized for performance. I haven't even
told you the whole story, it gets worse (from your point of view): I also
just ordered an LSI SATA 150-4 raid card because when I add the 2nd Raptor
drive I will have to remove a 250GB SATA drive from the motherboard. I will
also be adding another 250GB drive and RAID 0'ing it too. Then I will have
2 RAID 0 arrays, one 148GB (2x74gb WD raptors) and one 500GB (2x250gb WD
special editions). For backup I have a DVD burner and 2 mobile PATA drive
racks-a 250GB and a 120GB-both special edition WDs. I actually have very
little data that would make me cry if I lost it (photos and financial info),
probably in the neighborhood of 15GB, though I sure would like to
keepeverything. This is going to be one sick ****ing system! I am soooo
glad I decided to build my own PC, it is EXACTLY what I wanted and I have
had a LOT of fun-and thats what its all about.
The simplest thing to try is a different hard drive
slot. You may find that its a resonance effect that
you wont be able to hear if its in a different bay.
That system is more prone to resonance effects.
I think you are right, it doesn't lock up quite like it should. I may have
to beef it up a little or like you say, replace the case. Do you have any
case suggestions?