Any solutions To Dvd writers not being recognized

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As I have previously read and posted there seems to be numerous problems to
many dvdwriters not being recognized or appearing in device manager as non
functioning. I have 4 different dvdwriters that I have installed on a vista
based pc and none of them work i have updated all firmware and been told by
the manufactures that they should work. But alas all of them get code 39
errors when installed . As we get closer to release date I keep looking for
solutions but none seem to appear only more identical problems as I have
encountered anyone know if Microsoft is working on a solution for this
problem? Luckily I have another box running xp pro so i am still able to burn
but as to installing anything new on the vista pc i am at a standstill
without functioning cd-roms. Please any response would be greatly appreciated
Stuck in limbo

Just a thought, but with 4 different drives not working, I would suspect not
the drives but the IDE controller or motherboard having a compatibility
problem with Vista.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -
That would seem possible except for the fact that i installed vista on the
other xp pro box and had the same problem before uninstalling it and
returning to XP

Well, at this juncture all I can tell you is that I and many others have
used Vista (from early alpha bits, through the beta and RC builds, and the
RTM) with quite a variety of DVD drives, from generic cheapies to expensive
units without issue. While I have seen the upper/lower filters issue still
occur, it does not seem to be related to the drive but rather a glitch in
the OS. However, I don't believe that to be the underlying cause of the
issue you are encountering. If multiple different branded drives aren't
working under it, then logic dictates that the cause is something common to
all of them. As many others have used Vista without issues with DVD drives
of a variety of makes, that leaves the motherboard or controllers as being
the possible cause. There have been some minor issues with Nvidia chipsets,
perhaps this may be the problem. Is the board of recent build? Have you
checked with the manufacturer for an updated BIOS?

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -

are you able to boot using the installation DVD? This would tell you
that the IDE controller works fine and the DVD is so far OK.

As soon the Vista IDE driver is loaded then in my case it always asked
for a different CD-ROM driver. This means that something breaks here!
My solution for this was just to use a different DVD HW brand...

I have this mal function since beta1/2 and reported this to MS without
any results. Other reported same behavior just search in the driver &
installation vista news group.

For my opinion, I do not understand such ignorance while same HW using
XP SP2 works as expected and always did as expected

Rick Rogers said:

Well, at this juncture all I can tell you is that I and many others have
used Vista (from early alpha bits, through the beta and RC builds, and the
RTM) with quite a variety of DVD drives, from generic cheapies to
expensive units without issue. While I have seen the upper/lower filters
issue still occur, it does not seem to be related to the drive but rather
a glitch in the OS. However, I don't believe that to be the underlying
cause of the issue you are encountering. If multiple different branded
drives aren't working under it, then logic dictates that the cause is
something common to all of them. As many others have used Vista without
issues with DVD drives of a variety of makes, that leaves the motherboard
or controllers as being the possible cause. There have been some minor
issues with Nvidia chipsets, perhaps this may be the problem. Is the board
of recent build? Have you checked with the manufacturer for an updated

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -
Certainly possible, 'tis why I mentioned the IDE controller in the initial
response. I wasn't just referring to the instruction set on the motherboard,
but rather the hardware as well.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -
Bcs4 said:
As I have previously read and posted there seems to be numerous problems to
many dvdwriters not being recognized or appearing in device manager as non
functioning. I have 4 different dvdwriters that I have installed on a vista
based pc and none of them work i have updated all firmware and been told by
the manufactures that they should work. But alas all of them get code 39
errors when installed . As we get closer to release date I keep looking for
solutions but none seem to appear only more identical problems as I have
encountered anyone know if Microsoft is working on a solution for this
problem? Luckily I have another box running xp pro so i am still able to burn
but as to installing anything new on the vista pc i am at a standstill
without functioning cd-roms. Please any response would be greatly appreciated
Stuck in limbo

This sounds odd. I would be pointing my finger at any of the following.

a) Cabling issue (possible bad cable -- try using a known good)
b) Possible compatibility and/or bad ide driver issue (try using another
motherboard with a different ide chipset)
c) Possible compatibility issue with vista drivers.
d) Possible compatibility issue with the dvd drive. Is a Region Code
set on the drive?

Note that c is a long shot. It is highly unlikely. I have 4 optical
drives in my computer. Each one is a different type but they all work
as expected. I have one of each of the following; cd-rw, cd-rw/dvd-rom,
dvd-rom, and cd-rw/dvd-rw. The last 3 are dvd drives and are picked up
correctly. The exact models are below and are listed in order that they
were above.

LiteOn SOHC-5236V (RPC2 unmodified -- recent and may still be produced)
Toshiba SD-M1612 (flashed RPC1 modified -- really old and discontinued)
NEC ND-2510A (flashed RPC1 modified -- recent but discontinued)

I need the one to be RPC2 because otherwise it won't let me play region
coded discs. The Toshiba drive has lasted way beyond expected lifespans
for optical drives. Going on 7 or 8 years I think.
Rick said:
Certainly possible, 'tis why I mentioned the IDE controller in the
initial response. I wasn't just referring to the instruction set on
the motherboard, but rather the hardware as well.

I'd vote some kind of hardware issue too. As much as I enjoy beating up on
Vista for it's problems and lacks (well as I see it anyway!), I can't say
I've seen anything like this problem.

A driver issue is quite possible; many recent intel chipsets need an
additional '3rd party' IDE controller for optical drives because the Intel
controllers only work with SATA. We know that the quality and availability
of drivers varies a great deal just before the launch of a new OS.

Your post saved my life, or at least a day of it, Rick. I have been having
some of the same issues, and after reading your post I looked at my BIOS
setup, specifically, IDE. I tweaked it, and the OS picked up the DVD RW
capabilities of my Lite-On DVDRW SHW-160P6S drive. No other tweaking


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
Bit Player

Where there's a Will, there's a William.
Make sure you are using an 80 pin cable. XP doesn't seem to care, but Vista might. I had a similar problem with a Sony DVD drive with an Nvidia chipset on the motherboard. It wouldn't recognize it at all, and it complained about my CD writer, although it reads from it alright. - .NET Developer Portal of Choice
well what was the "tweak"?

Kevin Spencer said:
Your post saved my life, or at least a day of it, Rick. I have been having
some of the same issues, and after reading your post I looked at my BIOS
setup, specifically, IDE. I tweaked it, and the OS picked up the DVD RW
capabilities of my Lite-On DVDRW SHW-160P6S drive. No other tweaking


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
Bit Player

Where there's a Will, there's a William.
My Pioneer dvd writer and NEC cd drive worked with no problem with ultimate,
and then I installed pemiere, they worked for about a week and suddenly
I guess I'll reinstall Vista....drives are fine on other HD with XP
rrayw747 said:
My Pioneer dvd writer and NEC cd drive worked with no problem with ultimate,
and then I installed pemiere, they worked for about a week and suddenly
I guess I'll reinstall Vista....drives are fine on other HD with XP
I have been researching the same problem. I have two drives that Vista is
not recognizing as burners. I cannot burn in Media Player or Media Center but
Imgburn recognizes my DVD burner for what it is and I have used it
successfully. In the device manager both drives are listed as SCSI CD ROM
devices. I saw a post on the net where someone solved this by replacing the
installed driver with a Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller driver.
Problem is he did not explain how he did this. Can anyone help with how to
find and install a standard PCI IDE driver in my Vista machine to replace the
SCSI driver that is there now?
I had the same problem with my dvd burner. it was also listed as a scsi cd
rom, but i am 99.99% sure that it is an IDE device (or maybe ATAPI, I don't
really understand all the device interfaces). I installed the manual upgrade
kb930194, restarted and now it works. The upgrade says it was for "optical
drive utilizing a SiI Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment (PATA) chip
from Silicon Image". I am not sure if that is what i had but i installed it
anyway and it works now.