Rahman said:
hi guys,
sometimes desktop really gets missy ... with 10s of icons and
shortcuts even the Start menu is not really
I wonder is there any launching freeware so I will be able to create
shortcuts based on Nick names or
short typing names eg instead of looking for ICQ i simply type icq
and Enter ... or instead or Outlook Express
somply OE ... etc???
anything arround ...
Couple of easy ways...
1. You can make up to three additional taskbars that can be hidden at the
side(s) and or top of your screen until you move the mouse there; they will
then pop out. You can populate those with toolbars that contain shortcuts
to your most used apps. Those apps can be categorized by putting them in
folders...a folder for Music, another for Graphics, etc. The toolbars work
just like Quick Launch, are much more convenient then Start>Programs.
For how-to info and screen shots see...
Handy Dandies - Info & Tips About This & That
Taskbars & Toolbars
in my dandies (see sig)
2. You can use a program such as Hot Key Plus to make keyboard shortcuts to
whatever you *really* use a lot. For example, I have set Alt + O to open
Outlook Express; Ctrl + Shift + G to open the Google web page; Alt + N to
open Metapad; Alt + D to open WordWeb; Winkey + P to open explorer at the
Program directory...etc.
For more info, screen shots and d/l link, see...
A Few Favorite Programs
Hot Key Plus
in my dandies (see sig)
dadiOH's dandies v3.0...
....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
Get it at