Any progress on removing the limit of the number of icons that will fit in the SysTray??



I asked quite a while back about being able to remove the limit to how
many icons the systray will hold, and someone said they'd work on
it.... just wondering if any progress has been made.

or if anyone has a registry hack that will let me remove the limit,
that would be greatly appreciated.


Steve Shattuck

I asked quite a while back about being able to remove the limit to how
many icons the systray will hold, and someone said they'd work on
it.... just wondering if any progress has been made.

I've never run into a limit. At some point it becomes necessary to use the
HIDE inactive icons to leave room for running programs, but I've had as many
as 26 in mine.


yeah, that's kind of the point, I don't want to hide them as they are
only inactive until I want to use them, then I don't want to have to
looking for them, I want them there, and I need more than 23.. ;-)

that does seem to be the limit... I use a third party program that
puts icons in the systray, and it won't hold as many as I want


Don MI

niteowl said:
yeah, that's kind of the point, I don't want to hide them as they are
only inactive until I want to use them, then I don't want to have to
looking for them, I want them there, and I need more than 23.. ;-)

that does seem to be the limit... I use a third party program that
puts icons in the systray, and it won't hold as many as I want


With respect to hide, right click on taskbar and select Properties. At the
bottom of the Taskbar tab, clear the box to hide inactive icons.

With respect to number, have you considered moving the Quick Launch Toolbar
to the top or side of your display and using that.
At the top of my display I have room for about 25 icons in the Quick Launch
Toolbar before the overflow option is activated.



Don MI said:
With respect to hide, right click on taskbar and select Properties. At the
bottom of the Taskbar tab, clear the box to hide inactive icons.

You don't even have to do that when the icons are hidden, there's and arrow
to the left of the Systems Tray < which when you click on it reveals them
all for a little while, enough time to find and click on the one you want.



I agree. My default "little while" is until I choose to click it closed
again...The drop-down list of icons is so convenient, as it includes the
name of the icon.
Also, the advice to put the Task Bar at the top is excellent, having done so
myself long ago. It is like if you were driving a car, and no longer had to
apply the right turn signal by touching the glove box (US). A double-wide
task bar at the top shows 6 icons.

Jason Tan

Hi niteowl,

Thanks for posting!

Based on the description, I agree with Steve. I have also tested it. It
seems to be no limitation. I have run over 23 icons in Systray. I suggest
you uncheck the Hide inactive icons and retry it.

310578 Windows System Tray Icons

If there is anything that is unclear, please feel free to let me know.

Thanks & Regards,

Jason Tan

Microsoft Online Partner Support
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IF that is in fact the case(that there is no limit), then there is
something wrong with my installation, cause MY limit is 23 icons... I
have the "Auto-Hide the taskbar" unchecked and have always had it
unchecked, and still I cannot get more than 23 icons to remain in

In win98se I could line icons up all the way across if I wanted to..
but in XP I can get no more than 23, My preference is to have ALL my
icons that I use regularly displayed in the systray, that would be
about 35-40 icons so having only 23 doesn't quite do it for me.

What other settings control this? I've even tried making those icons
a bit smaller which helped a bit but I don't really like that either.
(and now I don't remember how I did that, it was from someone here on
the NG)

When right clicking on the taskbar and choosing Properites, the only
option I have checked is to keep the taskbar on top of other windows.
I don't display the clock there cause that takes up two icon places..



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