I believe that PowerPoint provides a compression/play utility.
Yes, Pack and go to compress and save on floppy...the shareware
NX-PowerLite convert every image to a resized and compressed one
directly in ppt file: e.g. a friend of mine had done a presentation of
50 slides -> 141M and asked me why his notebook was so slow! :-/
Giving a look to the file, it was full of big images (.bmp, many .jpg
2048x1024) resized in powerpoint page; I began to really resize manually
(i.d. copy in Microsoft Paint -> copy from here to Irfanview, resize and
save to jpg -> replacing of old image) but it was too boring...in
Internet I've found NXP that permits only 10 execution (pidocchiosi!):
by the way it works well (from 141 M to 4.5M using good size & quality
for images 8-o ).
I asked myself if someone has done something similar freeware.
I'll try to do a smaller and different utility: a program in which
pressing a key or mouse over an image in Powerpoint it copy, resize and
replace on the fly....actually I don't know how to do but I'll try
Perhaps the biggest problem will be the initial copy function: the copy
from image in powerpoint works only with few software (I know Microsoft
Paint, Photoshop; not in irfanview, PhotoImpact,...) 'cause it isn't
standard. :-|
If someone can help me, I use Delphi 6 P.E.(and I'm beginning with
"Try not! Do, or do not. There is no try."
by Yoda, Jedi Master (from anonymous poster)
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