Any Plumbers Here?


Feb 23, 2002
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I've just got most of the items unpacked in to our new flat, but there is one bit of equipment that really confuses me in the kitchen! The sink has a smaller basin (maybe 1/3 the width of the actual sink) which has a fairly sizable unit underneath it which is connected to a mains supply.

I've got no idea what this is, as I can't understand why it needs a power source - could it be waste disposal or something like that? I can't see any switch to activate it, so no idea how it works :confused:

Can't wait to get ADSL back up and running, 30 mins of internet a day just isn't enough! ;)
It's probably a waste disposal unit, bung some veg down the plug hole and see what happens :D
Ian Cunningham said:
I've just got most of the items unpacked in to our new flat, but there is one bit of equipment that really confuses me in the kitchen! The sink has a smaller basin (maybe 1/3 the width of the actual sink) which has a fairly sizable unit underneath it which is connected to a mains supply.

I've got no idea what this is, as I can't understand why it needs a power source - could it be waste disposal or something like that? I can't see any switch to activate it, so no idea how it works :confused:

Can't wait to get ADSL back up and running, 30 mins of internet a day just isn't enough! ;)

Don`t put your fingers in just drop a carrot in and see it maybe an automatic waste disposal unit.
... always wanted one of them

Yep, plug it in, use no more than a 5amp, chuck some skinned vegan down the hole.


Just re-read your post ... it is probably an automatic, just chuck something in the hole and turn on the tap. :thumb:
OK, I'm going to try this now... back in 2 mins :D
Hmmm, now I'm one carrot short :eek:

I think I'm going to have to get in touch with the landlord to figure this out, as I'm sure it must be waste disposal - perhaps the fuse has gone though. (the switch is turned on ;)).
muckshifter said:
chuck some skinned vegan down the hole.:D:thumb:
Vegans & Veggies rock man:thumb:
Meat is Murder, just dont tell that to Murdoch or Exmoor or i'm in trouble;)
No way man, veggies are rubbish. I survive on a diet of meat and cheese. :-)
Ian Cunningham said:
Hmmm, now I'm one carrot short :eek:

I think I'm going to have to get in touch with the landlord to figure this out, as I'm sure it must be waste disposal - perhaps the fuse has gone though. (the switch is turned on ;)).

Could have been more if you had not seperated the bunch:lol: Just watch you fingers.
I've just googled the model number of the thing and it does match with a Zanussi Waste Disposal unit! Just need to figure out how it works now!
feckit said:
I can see someone playing with your new found toy then ;)
I've just got it working now :D There was a reset button hidden behind the unit (its under the sink so hard to see) - although now it makes a jamming sound so I dare not turn it on for more than a second as the grinding noise doesn't sound healthy - need to fix this now ;)
christopherpostill said:
they usually make a horrible noise...
Yep, they do that alright ... just stick your fingers in your ears.

They do sound as if they're dying, don't worry about it :D

However, if the reset button pops again either stop using it or tell the landlord about the problem.
floppybootstomp said:
They do sound as if they're dying, don't worry about it :D

Ah thats ok then :D I've not seen one of these before, so I wasn't sure if they were supposed to be that noisy.

I've fed it a few potatoes so far and they've all gone - magic! :lol:

cirianz said:
No No No!!! Ian he said put them in your ears!

Yeah there cheap to keep, a spud and a few carrots a day and there happy as larry......they don't like meat no feeding them fingers....;)