Caitlin said:
Your regular home user is going to keep and look after their digital files
about as much as they do their negs now. ie. not often, not well. For those
that do - they can reprint. I have no negs for any of the photos from my
parents and granparents era, and I am not unique in that. Digital files are
likely to be treated by most users in much the same way.
The one thing I will agree with you on regarding digital files is that
they are like any other group of digital files. Home users have a
strong tendency of not backing up their work. One worm, bad hard disk
or some other problem, it is GoodBye Files.
Even if they had good backup software like Dantz Retrospect (the best)
that can be put on an automatic schedule at the night and backed up to a
second hard disk and then off loaded from there, most users would not
use it on a regular basis.
So this problem is even worse than lost negatives. With negatives the
user just has to store them someplace reasonable.
On the other side of the coin, negatives do fade but digital files do
not. They are always the same.
Even if you do have a point, I think the Canon IP4000 dye base printer
is better than the Epson. And the i9900 is better than the R800 for
producing the most stunning results. Since the engine of the R1800 is
the same as the R800, I would also include that.