Any PCMCIA Netword card for RIS ?

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Hello everybody,

I search a network PCMCIA card to install my old laptop (+
or - 30 Dell Latitude CPx & Cpi) by RIS service.

I've search on 3Com web site but nowhere is write that the
PXE boot ROM is present.

Someone can help me ?

Yann Quéré
y quere @ embraer<<.com todo>.fr
Thanks Steve for your help.
Can you say me what is your network ?
1 RIS ? 4 VPN ? .. you RIS over 1Gb ? etc ... (just for
information ;] )

Actually I've 2 network link by a 256 kb line.
The 2 network are in 10 mb/s & the heart of servers in
100Mbs. We plan to move to 1Gb/s for server & 100 Mb/s for
the network.

Do you think we can create 2 RIS on both network &
replicate during the night ?

Yann Quéré