any page template experts?

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hello, i want to implement page templates in and was reading through
the following article:

are there any experts out there that can give any pros/cons to this

the reason i ask is because the article says other methods of implementing
page templates have flaws.

any working examples of the above approach in c# would help.

many thanks.
I played around with the code.

1. The theory is sound.
2. You cannot really use VS.NET with this code.
3. The samples are very buggy, even when using the read me. You will have to
tweak the code quite a bit to get it up and running. This is not an
indictment of the code, per se, but a reality if you want to play with this

I need to sit down and compare it to the Whidbey master pages to give a
better analysis, but the idea is sound as long as you are not a visual

If you need to change elements today, there are a couple of other ideas:

1. Dreamweaver templates, aka Dynamic Web Templates (FrontPage 2003) - you
can update the page and have it inform you which pages need their ASP.NET
tagged content updated. A rather simple and easy methodology.

2. XHTML and CSS. Change the CSS and change the look. Admitedly, it is not
as flexible, but you do not have to recompile any changes.

Gregory A. Beamer

Think Outside the Box!
Hi, thanks for the reply,

Do you have any example of how to implement page templates in a good way? I
have seen some examples out there but they don't always work the way I want
them too.

For example, I have seen examples where the <head> and <title> tags are in
the template page (so the inheriting page contains just the main body), but
that makes VS.NET complain about tags like <td>, <tr>, <table> etc. It says
it's needs a parent element, etc (ie: it expects a body tag, but this is
contained in the template page so it isn't parsed in the inheriting page
when in the IDE).

Any help on this would be great.
