Any one got WIndows Nemisis installed?

Sep 26, 2005
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Hi guys.

I just installed the Windows Nemisis and its not bad. appart from some major problems i noticed.
1) I cant use system restore, when I click it, nothing appears...
2) I cant find ISS (Internet information services) under add/remove windows components. (its not there)
and under networking services (control panel - add/remove then windows components) I can only see 3 items. I cant see the UPNP option and I can see thr RIP lisenter but its say 0.0MB next to it, so I cant even install that. :(

I tried to install them off the CD, via windows, and it only brings up a box with what I got already. I there another way to fix these problems? Thanks.

Hope you guys and gals can help me out on this 1.