Marlon Brown said:
I am planning to deploy 15 domain controllers on branch offices. Each branch
office contains 100-300 people/Win32 machines.
I think I will be getting Single CPU, 2GBRAM, 4 Hard-drive machines,
Redudant NICs, Redudant Power Supply.
If you in your experience you believe I could benefit from Dual Proc
mahcines for such small branch offices, please advise.
We have a mixture of hardware specs for our DC's here. Some have two CPU's,
some have one, some are hyper-threaded. The reason or that is we didn't
purchase all 25 of our DC's right away, we spread it out and some server
models were superceded by the time we purchased another. It really depends
on what is going to happen in the local site. Personally, I would like to
have a consistent hardware platform across all sites, but it just wasn't
feasabile at the time and looking back on it, it didn't make financial sense
Since you are buying 15 at once, sure, make them all standard, but as needs
increase, make sure that you have the option to add CPU's, memory, etc.
That, and spend the extra money on hardware RAID, you won't regret it.
FWIW, the one thing that should remain constant across all of your DC's is
the RAM. Don't skimp on it. You are doing yourself a big favor by going with
2GB on your machines out of the gate. If exchange is to be run, then go with
2 (preferrably hyper-threaded) CPU's, Exchange really pounds the global
catalog and you want to make sure that there is enough CPU available for not
only GC queries, but everything else a DC does like kerberos, LDAP, etc.