Any Kite Lovers or Flyers amongst us?

Feb 6, 2003
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hello everyone!

Just wondering if there are any people that like flying kites and own any?

I have always liked flying fites always got one of those Disney £2.99 ones from Woolworths and IM FED UP WITH THEM! So i want to invest in a GOOD KITE for Beginner/intermediate

So if there are any kite lovers please could u advise me on whoch type of kite I should buy?

thank you!
Kite flying? used to do it when i was a kid, but here in the desert we just dont get wind, we also get sandstorms too.:D
Dear PSD

I absolutely LOVE kites so if anyone suggests a good one for a beginner etc.... I would be very interested. If it had a sunflower on as well - that would be absolute heaven on a stick but might be asking too much!!!!

Gabriella x
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gabriella said:
Dear PSD

I absolutely LOVE kites so if anyone sugegsts a good one for a beginner etc.... I would be very interested. If it had a sunflower on as well - that would be absolute heaven on a stick but might be asking too much!!!!

Gabriella x

u know it!!! i love kites and sunflowers too just like you do!

well heres the news Gabriella check this website out:

if u click on the left hand side on 2-4 line stunt kites and then on beginner kites. u will see a kite called solero with the follwing specs:

Width: 138cm
Height: 67cm
Sail: Nylon
Frame: 5mm Fibreglass
Lines Included: 2 x 20m x 23kg on Winder
Handles Included: Webbing Wrist Straps
Wind Range: 2-5 Bft
Age: 8+

fingers crossed this kite will be with me in 2-3 days!

ill let u all know how it goes!
Dear PSD

Checked it out and it looks good!! I think I may set about a quest to find a sunflower kite for a beginner, if not, may go back to the site you have suggested.

Let me know how it goes and I wish you many happy and windy days!!!

Gabriella x

my kite came today this morning. i got the HQ Solero, if u want the kites name, it all cost me £30
its MASSIVE its like 140cm wingspan, and beleive me thats one of the smallest ones that i coulda got.

this kite is a two line kite meaning that it has two strings coming off of it for me to control, which for me feels v v unauthodox!

been trying to fly is but it seems very difficult, the wind isnt great, but as im used to a crappy £3 kite from woolworths this one is becoming mission impossible to launch!

ill keep u all posted eh:)
prehaps i might actually get it into the air cuz right now im struggling!
christopherpostill said:
You should get a wireless camera system to hook up to the kite...

lol well chris lets see if i can get the thing in the air first!

i was thinking of putting some COIN lights on the thing and flying it at night!!!:)
Dear PSD

Be patient and take it slowly....I am sure that with practice u will do very well.

Thinking about your endeavours!

Gabriella x
Dear PSD

How's the kite coming along? Been quite windy here for the last few days!

Kind regards

Gabriella x
Kite help

If your having trouble with your kite, maybe I can help? I have been flying for a number of years.

Or if you go back to the windseekers website they can give you all the answers you'll ever need to fly a kite.

thanks for that

right now im in a state of mind where i am just about to give up

i went out around 6 times to try to fly my solero
on one occasion i got my lines tangled up and got very frustrated.

the last time i went out i was getting the kite off of the ground even if it was for 10 seconds!
it would come straight back down very frustrating and embarrasing speicially when people are watching you.

I still think im better suited to a one line kite as opposed to a 2 line kite!
Practice makes perfect! :D:thumb:

Everyones gotta start somewhere! :)
ne naw ne is here...

Hi there.

It sounds silly but have you unwound all of the lines? If not do this. Then tie them to a fence post or something stable and walk them out. Give them a little pull as all lines have a certain amount of extra stretch. Check that they are exactly the same length. Although they are factory wound, tthe length sometimes alters.

Once you have set your kite up, make sure that you fly it on all the line-this gives it best flight and alows it to use the wind window(the big space of air directly infront, above and slightly to the sides of you).

Your arms should be held down - elbows into your sides. This is a comfortablr flying position. Movements should be small!!!!! every thing that you do in your hand is magnified by 10 to 20x in the air!

Hope this helps a little?