Any ideas on the best way to do thi?

  • Thread starter Thread starter NeverSeenBlue
  • Start date Start date


I have a query that lists a business, contact names and whether or no
the business receives a particular mailing. If the business DOE
receive the mailing, then each separate contact person needs to have
label made for their name. I previously got around this by creating
separate queries (for each contact name) but this is becoming a rea
pain to manage. Is there any way to combine into one query so that i
creates a big list in one place
You didn't indicate how you are currently creating your labels. Are you using a mail
merge with Word?

Use the field that defines whether or not a business receives a particular mailing as a
criteria, so that your query will only return records that are to receive the mailing.
There should be a separate record for each contact person for a given business. Then use
the Label Wizard under reports, and base a new report on this query. Pick a suitable size
label, or you can define a custom sized label.


I have a query that lists a business, contact names and whether or not
the business receives a particular mailing. If the business DOES
receive the mailing, then each separate contact person needs to have a
label made for their name. I previously got around this by creating 5
separate queries (for each contact name) but this is becoming a real
pain to manage. Is there any way to combine into one query so that it
creates a big list in one place?