Any ideas? I must now type "http://" --- Just "www" gives a site not found error!



I picked up a rather nasty Hijack yesterday, that coughed up the whole
start.chm mis-direct. After the normal attacks on it, I got Spybpt S&D, an had
it help finish the job. Now, however, if I don't type the "http://" before the
"www", I get "Cannot find <site-url>. Make sure the path or Internet address
is correct".

When I first noticed this, the hijack was in place and I was looking up, so I don't think it was Spybot S&D. I assumed it was the damn
hijack's way of preventing me from finding a fix for it.

However, ALL sites are acting this way, even though I am (pretty) sure the
hijack is gone. I have installed SP2, looked for new IE updates (I am current)
and dropped security settings low. Still no luck.

I know it is a trivial thing, and I will spend more time and effort to find the
solution than I will by typing "http:" for the next year or so. However, I'd
like to fix it so I don't worry something is still lurking out there, or have
whatever it did cause more problems.

Any ideas?


Think I fixed it-- the COCKSUCKING BASTARDS at:

Had hijacked me....

You know, to those of you who write this kind of crap, I strongly suggest you
never, ever, tell people what you do for a living. I know that if I ever meet
one of you at a party who are drunk enough to talk about your work, I am going
pick up the nearest lamp and rearrange your face over and over.

It will be worth a few days in jail.

David Surles

I'm having the same problem. I just picked up my
computer from the shop, where everything was wiped clean
and reinstalled. I have to enter http:// in the address
bar to get it to work. Can you help?


I'm having the same problem. I just picked up my
computer from the shop, where everything was wiped clean
and reinstalled. I have to enter http:// in the address
bar to get it to work. Can you help?

Well, to find the fix, I pulled a full years worth of messages from this group,
and found this one:

Some program (usually spyware\parasite) may have overridden the URL prefix
Open Regedit to the following locations and verify the below default
Start | Run (type) "regedit" (no quotes)



[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\URLSearchHooks]

Note: edit as needed, *always* Export before editing.
Mike Burgess
Blocking Spyware, Adware, Parasites, Hijackers, Trojans, with a HOSTS file [updated 8-26-03]
Please post replies to this Newsgroup, email address is invalid

In effect, MY registry entries looked like this:



with the address for the start.chm file on my HD appended. The end result was
if I typed "www" got their ****ing spam page. When I deleted the spam page off
my HD and blocked out their internet address as an option, since the page
could not be found, it errored out. If I typed the http://, however, it skipped
the virtual mis-direct and gave me the right page.

As Burgess pointed out, always back up the registry before mucking with it.
(Ask me about the time I disabled .exe and .com extensions from running one
time.... *shudder*)

Let me know if this works :)


how did you fix your problem? I have run Norton, adaware, and spybot,
yet none of those fix it - damn page keeps coming back.


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