Any Good FREE AV programs for Linux?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rob
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Are there any good FREE Anti-Virus programs for Linux?

P.S. I understand that there aren't many viruses that affect Linux. Most
Linux AV programs end up detecting Windows viruses. But being able to
identify Windows viruses while using Linux would be a plus. I don't want to
pass on a file affected with a virus to a Windows user.

Are there any good FREE Anti-Virus programs for Linux?

P.S. I understand that there aren't many viruses that affect Linux. Most
Linux AV programs end up detecting Windows viruses. But being able to
identify Windows viruses while using Linux would be a plus. I don't want to
pass on a file affected with a virus to a Windows user.


F-Prot for Linux is free and pretty much standard. I'm on a console so I
can't give you a link, but you can just Google for: Frisk to get their
main page.
Roger said:
F-Prot for Linux is free and pretty much standard. I'm on a console
so I can't give you a link, but you can just Google for: Frisk to get
main page.

Many thanks for the info. F-PROT is a great program. I use it on Windows
(in a DOS box).
But I was hoping for a free AV program with a real-time scanner like AVG.
Maybe one day...

Many thanks for the info. F-PROT is a great program. I use it on
Windows (in a DOS box).
But I was hoping for a free AV program with a real-time scanner
like AVG. Maybe one day...
Not necessary. Just don't log in as root and you'll be ok.
Tiger said:
Not necessary. Just don't log in as root and you'll be ok.

Yes, if you don't log in as root you will definitely limit any damage caused
by a virus or trojan (since the important system files cannot be changed or
modified). The virus will not be able to establish itself and run each time
you boot your computer.

But I suspect that some well designed malware (such as a virus or trojan)
might be able to delete some user files in a Linux system...

In any event I was hoping to find a real time AV scanner for Linux so that I
can detect and delete any WINDOWS viruses in EMAILS etc and prevent me from
passing them to my friends.

Rob said:
But I suspect that some well designed malware (such as a virus or
trojan) might be able to delete some user files in a Linux system...

Well, there is the theoretical possibility that a virus gets root
priviliges by hijacking a process with root abilities (for example the
printer daemon). Then it could do harm.
In any event I was hoping to find a real time AV scanner for Linux so
that I can detect and delete any WINDOWS viruses in EMAILS etc and
prevent me from passing them to my friends.

Well, since the viri cannot forward themselves and cannot be installed,
you would need to send the virus to your friends personally. And that is
completely impossible as long as you send plain text mails.

The only viri you could send are Macroviri and Programviri. Those can be
easily detected with a command line scanner, scanned once after
downloading, you do not need to search for them permanently.


Rob said:
Are there any good FREE Anti-Virus programs for Linux?

P.S. I understand that there aren't many viruses that affect Linux.
Most Linux AV programs end up detecting Windows viruses. But being
able to identify Windows viruses while using Linux would be a plus.
I don't want to pass on a file affected with a virus to a Windows


I found one --- Clam Anti-Virus at
It doesn't look bad. It will scan for all those nasty Windows viruses (and
the odd Linux virus) that are attached to my mail and get rid of them!

Rob said:
Are there any good FREE Anti-Virus programs for Linux?

P.S. I understand that there aren't many viruses that affect Linux. Most
Linux AV programs end up detecting Windows viruses. But being able to
identify Windows viruses while using Linux would be a plus. I don't want to
pass on a file affected with a virus to a Windows user.


If you wish to avoid email viruses, just don't run
MS Outlook Express via WINE. ;-)

F-prot is a great commandline scanner. Is there
currently a graphical front end for this?
In any event I was hoping to find a real time AV scanner for Linux
so that I can detect and delete any WINDOWS viruses in EMAILS etc
and prevent me from passing them to my friends.

If the deep root of your question is fully in that
idea of blocking virus spread thru email you may be
interested in using one of these 2 tools :

Wich are engines to use any AV you'd like on
whatever you'd like to put them against, in the
process of MTA/MDA.

I recommend any of them ( I installed them on many hosts )
though you'd better chose directly MimeDefang if
you think of using SpamAssassin too.

This said, I mostly install this on big servers as I
thing the best AV for desktops (just like the best webnanny )
is the use of brains and the reflex of not clicking anytime
anything anyhow ;-)