Any ghostly encounters????


Sunflower Queen
Jun 1, 2004
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Dear all

Flops wonders whether we could start a thread about anyone having a ghostly encounter (cf my thread re Most Haunted).

I have to say not, although I have slept in a very haunted old house and in the allegedly most haunted room there.

What about anyone else???

Gabriella x
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i must confess i dont beleive in them purely cuz i aint seen any ghosts

but when i do ill remember to post here!!!!
I've had just the one 'experience' though I've never actually seen a ghost.

I've lived in quite a lot of places but one place made me feel uneasy.

It was a top floor flat in Sidcup, Kent, I was there for three and a half years. It was a detached house converted into three flats.

I often used to sit on the carpet in front of my stereo with headphones on and always got this funny feeling somebody was watching my back. Then after I'd been there a few months, I experienced it in other rooms.

It was quite an eerie feeling but whenever I turned round, nobody was there (of course). This feeling persisted all the time I lived there.

One day I was speaking to the original owner of the house, she lived on the ground floor and had had the house converted and sold off the two other floors as flats. I mentioned my experience and she went all kind of quiet.

When I encouraged her to tell me what she seemed reluctant to offer, she told me that around the turn of the century (early 1900's) the family that lived there had put their grandmother in the attic and starved her to death, so they could claim the house as theirs, as the place belonged to her.

Everybody who had lived there since, apparently, had felt her presence when they were in the attic, including the lady I was talking to. And of course the flat I was buying was once the attic.

So - that was kinda spooky :)

When I was younger me and me mates used to actually visit some supposed haunted places in the early hours of the morning, under the premise of ghost spotting but actually trying to see who'd get scared first :D

Do I believe in Ghosts? Maybe, I'm of two minds. Until somebody proves to me one way or the other, I'll keep an open mind.
This really isn't an encounter but I have heard and seen some very spooky things. My house for instance backs onto a Golf Course and sometimes late at night I look out my window and see a bright white light moving across the golf-course. There are lots of trees on the golf-course but the light never seems to move around them, it just looks like it is moving through them. It doesn’t go up or down just keeps completely straight moving across the course. I didn’t see it for very long but the second time it happened I stuck my head out of the window to see if I could hear anything and nothing.

When I was 13 I was told by some old people in my Town that the Golf course is meant to be haunted because next to the golf course is a woods and about 30 years ago a body of a women was found there and loads of people say that she know haunts the golf-course.

Also across my road is a very big house and during WW2 it was used as a RAF base and again the owners of the house, who I know very well, are extremely positive that the house is haunted. They have told me many stories about strange goings on in there house, things moving, strange noises etc.

If any of those is true or if ghosts exist I rely don’t know but my small little town seems to have many stories about them.
I dont belive i had a ghost encounter, i may have but not noticed :\.
but i have seen plenty of documentaries :).
i get this crow in my garden and it always sits on exactly the same spot and im sure its the same black crow!

i do feel as if its the old lady that we got the house from years ago come back to lookafter the garden when we are not around...
When I was younger we lived in an old manor house which was next to a medieval church (the house was once lived in by the vicar). It was hundreds of years old, and the ground floor was about 3-4ft lower than ground level - consequently, the eye level view out of the kitchen window was straight out into a very old churchyard! It was a lovely house, but the second floor always seemed odd... once, a room filled with mist which was strange, other people had seen a lady walking up and down the top corridor... very bizar! I don't really know what do believe about what happens after you die, a large part of me thinks that when you're dead, that's it. But I think there is still a lot we have yet to discover about the world, which I suppose would make me an agnostic!
Have not had any encounters, but, I do believe ghosts exist.
I was watching a documentary about ghosts, then there was this extremely loud bang/pop in sync with one in the documentary in my room.

Turned out to be just a power supply fusing out, but it still scared the hell out of me. :D
Of course ghosts exist, when I get tired one of them does my typing for me, there's one out there now walking the dog, another cooking for us and a few invisible ones doing other jobs around the house!
Now now this is serious....i mean only the other day i was served tea and biccies in bed by thats spooky....:eek:
crazySPOOOOKY!!!!legs said:
Now now this is serious....i mean only the other day i was served tea and biccies in bed by thats spooky....:eek:

next time the ghost comes
tell him/her to come and give me some tea in bed aswell!

p.s some chocolates digestives would be nice too!
Cant say i've had any big encounters before ...

although , the other night i had a door open and was inside the V shape (if you get what i mean) and through the parallel slant i was positive i saw someone walk past , when i looked round saying "oh hello there!" , there was nobody there at all , very weird ... not sure if thats quite a common thing?
Not my story but it is my Mother's though I find it very interesting. My great great grandparanets some where in scicilly--
I was told that my GG Grandpa was an abusive husband and beat his wife constantly. One night while hitting his wife the baby started to cry, my Great Grandpa Vincent. When the GG GP heard the crying he was furious and ran up the stairs to stop the babies crying. As the story goes, he was thrown down the stairs (or fell). Now what make it a possible ghost story was that he tried the stairs two more times. The second try he was thrown down again, and laughter could be heard from the childs room. Confused about the laughter and and angry for "slipping" he tried a 3rd time and again "fell down the stairs." The mother then tried to go up the stairs and made it up just fine and saw her child laying in its crib smiling and laughing.