Craig said:
If you aint got Visual Studio why would it be any good to you? You need to
load a Visual Studio project file eg. VB, C++ to get up and runnning. So how
is the non- visual studio owner going to get a freebee out of downloading
Can't you just open an empty installer and start from there? For instance if
you created a program in any of the free C++ varieties, you can still write
an installer including the files you want, reg entries you want, shortcuts
and so on. I've used it to create an installer for an XBasic program, never
released to the public by the way so I know it can be done, so it is of some
And as for the non-registered (pirate) Visual Studio owner. They've already
ripped off thousands of dollars worth of software and every program they
distribute carries tell-tale evidence of their non-genuine registration or
crack. I think the free installer/distribution program is the least of their
Never said I pirated anything, just saying that when I downloaded Visual
Studio Installer, it was primarily for use with the version of VB I legally
own, and therefore assumed the terms of use were not in conflict with my
current situation. Please don't be calling me a thief, I certainly do not
appreciate it.