Any free eBooks on .NET

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I found some good books at mirc, a chat where u can enter in some rooms
called bookz, ebooks and books. Good luck!
Silviuxa said:
I found some good books at mirc, a chat where u can enter in some
rooms called bookz, ebooks and books. Good luck!

Check to make sure that these are not just copyrighted books converted to
eBook format. Books make very little money for the author, and if you
encourage people to share them without royalty then all you will do is
persuade authors not to write books in the future. (A good 500 page book
will take 4 to 6 months full time work to write, now think of what you make
in 6 months and divide it by 5 and you'll get an idea of the royalties on
such a book.)

It might seem like a good idea now, but in the future, when you find that
the better authors have stopped writing books, you'll regret your action of
encouraging people to share copyrighted books without royalty payment.
