A Superb DVD to iPod converter tool
Thanks for sharing. But the best converter I've ever used is PQ DVD to iPod Video Converter suite. Very easy to use, at least to me.It's a ALL-IN-ONE solution for DVD to iPod conversion. Here I'm going to share the guide with you, you will start loving it.
A simple guide of DVD to iPod conversion (you'd better click
the complete guide with video and screenshots)
Step 1: Run the PQ DVD to iPod Video Converter Suite.
Part 1. Directly click gOpenh button on right-hand side, and load the DVD or any video file you want to convert, and begin the play process.
Part 2. gSet Output File/Locationh within this gOpenh menu.
Part 3: Setting the start point and stop point of the loaded DVD or video file with the range bar for conversion, or click gSet start and stop times for recordingh in gOptionsh menu.
Tips: In the interface, you can choose set the cropping and resolution of the output video, stretch or choose to auto-stretch the widescreen with aspect ratio control to your needs, and regulate the audio and video quality of output video as you like. You can also set the Video and Audio quality, and limit the estimated file size.
Step 2: Complete the output settings.
Tips: Here comes the key step, because these options are of crucial importance for whether or not your encoded video will work on the iPod. So itfs to be discussed in great detail.
Part 1: Click gMore Optionsh to finish the gOutput Settingh.
Part 2: You can also click the gOptionsh at the top to customize the gOutput Settingsh or gDVD Settingsh, Here, you can also record your DVD/video file later.
Step3FConvert the input DVD or video.
Part 1. Click gRecord ith to start the conversion.
Part 2. Pause or stop the recording whenever you like by clicking gPause/Stoph.
Part 3. In the gOpenh field, you can also choose to gBatch Convert Video Filesh for batch conversion.
Part4: Pause or stop any recording whenever you like by clicking gPause/Stoph.
Step4FWhen the conversion finishes, add the converted video file by clicking gAdd File to Libraryh in iTunesf File menu, and select this output video file to iPodfs playlist.
Tips: When it finishes, add the converted file to your iTunes library by simply dragging it onto the iTunes icon in your Dock. Be aware that a video file that is accepted by iTunes is not always compatible with the iPod; this wonft become apparent until you synchronize the iPod.
Then, you can enjoy the video on your iPod now. Simple and easy-to-use, isnft it?
For more about PQ DVD to iPod converter, click
PQ DVD to iPod converter.