Any Domain user can log on to my XP Pro machine



We have a Microsoft Small Business Server 4.5 (basically NT Server) network.
As I have started to add Windows XP Pro computers to this network, I have
noticed that any user with a valid domain username and password can walk up
to an XP machine and use their login information to log onto that computer.
While security is not my concern here, it seems odd to me that the domain
validation is enough for the person to be able to use someone else's
computer. Is there a way to explicitly limit logins in XP to only those that
have a user account on that XP machine?

Thanks in advance,



While security is not my concern here, it seems odd to me that the domain
validation is enough for the person to be able to use someone else's

That's one of the reasons to have a domain- so that you can logon from
anywhere and get to your files.

If you want to limit users to specific machines, the look in the
security settings on the server.

Since being able to roam is normal, you might want to consider using
protected storage space on the server if you have something you don't
want them to access.


We have a Microsoft Small Business Server 4.5 (basically NT Server) network.
As I have started to add Windows XP Pro computers to this network, I have
noticed that any user with a valid domain username and password can walk up
to an XP machine and use their login information to log onto that computer.
While security is not my concern here, it seems odd to me that the domain
validation is enough for the person to be able to use someone else's
computer. Is there a way to explicitly limit logins in XP to only those that
have a user account on that XP machine?

Thanks in advance,



By default, the special domain group Everyone ("Domain Users"?) has the ability
to login locally to each computer joined to the domain. You can remove Domain
Users from the access list for the sensitive computers, and add individual
accounts, or add specialised domain groups, to each. It's your choice.

Paranoia comes from experience - and is not necessarily a bad thing.
My email is AT DOT
actual address pchuck sonic net.

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