I'm an adult gamer with a first rate system. I really enjoy
Far Cry, MoHAA, CoD, and most of the expansion
packs .. except MoHPA. That one nearly went in the
garbage, but I think I'll just trade it back along with Doom3. I have never
bought BF1942, or any game
associated with it. That is nothing but a kids arcade
shooter. I got down the HL2 demo, and while the graphics are OK, I think
that is just another Doom3
.... bugs and monsters, and I find it boring after a while
and just stop. Is anything out there approaching the
quality of Far Cry, MOHAA, COD ??? At $50 a
shot, I don't like wasting my money or my time just
to find out that EA Games has dropped back into
the kid stuff. And the kids don't even like PA. It is too
scripted, and the limited map is just silly.
Far Cry, MoHAA, CoD, and most of the expansion
packs .. except MoHPA. That one nearly went in the
garbage, but I think I'll just trade it back along with Doom3. I have never
bought BF1942, or any game
associated with it. That is nothing but a kids arcade
shooter. I got down the HL2 demo, and while the graphics are OK, I think
that is just another Doom3
.... bugs and monsters, and I find it boring after a while
and just stop. Is anything out there approaching the
quality of Far Cry, MOHAA, COD ??? At $50 a
shot, I don't like wasting my money or my time just
to find out that EA Games has dropped back into
the kid stuff. And the kids don't even like PA. It is too
scripted, and the limited map is just silly.