Any corba implementation in C#?


Kun Niu

Dear all,
I'm trying to write a client program in c# to communicate with omniorb.
Anyone here can give some kind of hints?
Thanks in advance.

Jeroen Mostert

Kun said:
I'm trying to write a client program in c# to communicate with omniorb.
Anyone here can give some kind of hints?

Borland had a CORBA implementation in C# Builder called Janeva once, but C#
Builder has since been subsumed into Delphi and AFAICT Janeva isn't
available separately.

Remoting.Corba is an open source project that aims to bring CORBA to .NET.
It's still in beta, but it looks promising:

Kun Niu

I'll have a look at it first.

Jeroen Mostert said:
Borland had a CORBA implementation in C# Builder called Janeva once, but C#
Builder has since been subsumed into Delphi and AFAICT Janeva isn't
available separately.

Remoting.Corba is an open source project that aims to bring CORBA to .NET.
It's still in beta, but it looks promising:

Kun Niu

Thank you for your reply.:)
It seems that it is what I want.
I'll try if it is stable enough.

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