Any CAD Guru's here

Jan 4, 2003
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As the title suggests I need someone to design something for me for an idea that suddenly came to me
How complex is it? If you need to do a mockup or basic layout, then Sketchup (free) is easy enough for you to use and will import/export to most CAD packages. Easier than getting someone to do a CAD drawning on your behalf if you can do it yourself using this as a tool :).

I've not used CAD in about 8 years, nor do I have a version on my PC anymore (it's so expensive when you're not a student).
Will have a look Ian thankyou. It will be a very simple design. Hopefully ingenious enough to make some pennies. Not thought it all through yet though however Iv;e not seen anything like available for sale yet
Good luck :D! Sounds like an interesting project :)
Will have a look Ian thankyou. It will be a very simple design. Hopefully ingenious enough to make some pennies. Not thought it all through yet though however Iv;e not seen anything like available for sale yet

If you do get somebody to do your design for you, be sure to make some form of contract with them so they can't run away with your idea.