Any alternative to Microsoft Query?



I am trying to access an Oracle database through Excel. However,
Microsoft Query (which Excel uses) crashes before I can do anything
(Error:"String data, right truncated").

Creating a connection through MS Access works completly fine. Creating
a connection (i.e. no query, just connection) in Excel works fine as
well but is useless as I cannot perform any SQL queries on the
database. All in all, everything except Microsoft Query manages to
access the database. The question is then: are there any other ways
(i.e. not through Microsoft Query) of running SQL queries on the


Ron Coderre

I suspect that Oracle is trying to return more characters to at least
one of your MS Query fields than the field can handle. For example, if
Oracle returns 1000 characters and your MS Query field can only handle
256, you would get that error.

Check the field sizes for the Oracle data. If that situations exists,
you might want to try changing your SQL to something like:

SELECT LEFT(oracleField1,256) as MyField . . .

Does that help?



The problem is that I haven't made any queries yet, it simply crashes as
Microsoft Query tries to establish the connection (in the background it
says: "connecting to datasource...").

Could this be a problem related to the Oracle ODBC driver?

The funny thing is that it works on 1 computer on the network, and only
that one. This just happend all of the sudden, previously it didn't work
on any.


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