So happy to see an antyspyware software from Microsoft.
Unfortunately people who downloaded this program are
having problems. I was working on my pc for about seven
hours to make it run. Well I had support of my friend and
DELL. How about those people who don't know about
computers as much as we do. Any way, over all it looks
strong and powerful and I'm sure very soon they will fix
all this problems.
Before I end my message must see if any one else has
this problem? The hyper links on the web pages are
inactive. How should I make them work? I even tried after
uninstalling the Beta antyspyware but did not work. Then
I Use the xp to repair the windows.HHHHHHAAAAA it worked
until I download the beta again. The software is probably
blocking or deleting a dll file. I need help because I
want to keep Beta and be able to surf comfortably also.
Unfortunately people who downloaded this program are
having problems. I was working on my pc for about seven
hours to make it run. Well I had support of my friend and
DELL. How about those people who don't know about
computers as much as we do. Any way, over all it looks
strong and powerful and I'm sure very soon they will fix
all this problems.
Before I end my message must see if any one else has
this problem? The hyper links on the web pages are
inactive. How should I make them work? I even tried after
uninstalling the Beta antyspyware but did not work. Then
I Use the xp to repair the windows.HHHHHHAAAAA it worked
until I download the beta again. The software is probably
blocking or deleting a dll file. I need help because I
want to keep Beta and be able to surf comfortably also.