Antivirus software necessary?

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AV software necessary for beta 2? If so, any recommendations of which ones
are compatible?
There's no built-in AV, if that's what you're asking. I've been running it
for months without AV, online pretty much 24hrs a day. But it's really about
what you download and what kinds of attachments you open, because that's
where all that stuff comes from.

I'll let others comment on available products since I haven't really looked
at any.
If you use the internet it is essential. I'm currently using the Beta
version of PC Cillin (details are available in the security center window -
Microsoft currently recommending PC Cillin and Trend Micro.

While these Beta versions are free at the moment they won't always be. Some
other freeware anti virus applaictions are AVG Anti Virus and Avast! I have
had Avast working fine on Vista, AVG has been somewhat troublesome for me,
but others say it works fine.

John Barnett MVP
Associate Expert

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If you get a lot of virus alerts in your other OS and aren't confident in
your ability to avoid malware without AV, you should follow John's advice. I
was giving the factual answer. But if you're at all uncomfortable with that
you should definitely install AV software.
AVG is working for me Checks E-mail updates itself and is free. just be sure
you get the one that works with vista.
Thanks for this John. I couldn't make Avast work in 5536, I think if I
configured Driver Veriifier not to inspect its software drivers it
would--several people are having that problem and P-Cillin works great.
Since Vista has a decent firewall configurable with the Advanced MMC
snap-in, I didn't load the whole firewall Available in P-Cillin 14.

Appreciate this. It solved my Vista 5536 and up AV problem hopefully.
