VB100 test results:
Antivir - 12 passes 14 fails (failed the 2 most recent tests)
Avast! - 7 passes 17 fails (passed the 2 most recent tests)
AVG - 2 passes 19 fails (passed the last test, several fails before that)
Antivirus products often fail the VB100 for no other reason than
differing philosophies between the tester and the product developer. A
failure to pass the VB100 doesn't necessarily mean that the procuct is
incapable of detecting the test samples. A different test protocol
with the same test samples would produce an entirely different result.
I recall a recent test result at Uni Hamburg where if you looked at
only the results of ITW (In The Wild) viruses, AVG and other products
scored 100%. Most all av products do well in this category. They do
the basic function of a anti _VIRUS_ very well. They all detect _KNOWN
VIRUSES_ which are currently in active circulation. This being the
case, to make judgements concerning a product on the basis of just
VB100 pass/fail on ITW viruses is absurd and foolish. The pass/fail
idea itself is actually childish.
Antivirus products nowdays do far more than detect ITW viruses. The
best ones detect virus droppers (which are Trojans), and they test
well in a "zoo" (large collection of) viruses including old viruses no
longer deemed to be ITW. They now perform better in the Trojan
detection category than Trojan specific scanners. They have a variety
of other capabilities and features as well which require extensive and
thorough testing.
Since antivirus products are thus becoming anti _MALWARE_ (a wide
variety of malicious code), I tend to use a different yardstick. The
VB100 has become irrelevant IMO. And using a anti-malware yardstick,
AVG is practically at the bottom of the heap. So is the highly touted