AntiSpyware 'earased' my desktop ?



My desktop disapeared, there is nothing on it except the 'background' image.
The only way to run/start anything is via the task-manager.
The last thing that ran before it happened was an AntiSpyware scan that had
deleted a few 'suspected' items.
Is there some 'log' that will show me what was deleted? Can I 'recover' it?
Could it be that AntiSpyware had deleted some crucial part of my Windows/XP?
Thanks, Yoram.

Andre Da Costa



Hi, I have seen the same problem when attempting to use FireFox 1.5. I you
are using it ,delete it and the problem will go away. Let us know if this
is your problem.
: Have you attempted to run system restore, and restore your PCs settings to
: an earlier time before this issue happened? On the Task Manager window,
: click File > New Task (Run) > type in
: %SystemRoot%\System32\restore\rstrui.exe and click ok or enter and restore
: an earlier time.
: --
: --
: Andre
: Extended64 |
: Blog |
: FAQ for MS AntiSpy
: : > My desktop disapeared, there is nothing on it except the 'background'
: > image.
: > The only way to run/start anything is via the task-manager.
: > The last thing that ran before it happened was an AntiSpyware scan that
: > had
: > deleted a few 'suspected' items.
: > Is there some 'log' that will show me what was deleted? Can I 'recover'
: > it?
: > Could it be that AntiSpyware had deleted some crucial part of my
: > Windows/XP?
: > Thanks, Yoram.


Yoram Ron said:
My desktop disapeared, there is nothing on it except the 'background' image.
The only way to run/start anything is via the task-manager.
The last thing that ran before it happened was an AntiSpyware scan that had
deleted a few 'suspected' items.
Is there some 'log' that will show me what was deleted? Can I 'recover' it?
Could it be that AntiSpyware had deleted some crucial part of my Windows/XP?

Try this: right-click on the desktop, then choose Arrange Icons By > Show
Desktop Icons

If that doesn't work try using Explorer to browse for the Desktop folder
under your user profile.


Thanks Andre. The System Restore had fixed it.

Andre Da Costa said:
Have you attempted to run system restore, and restore your PCs settings to
an earlier time before this issue happened? On the Task Manager window,
click File > New Task (Run) > type in
%SystemRoot%\System32\restore\rstrui.exe and click ok or enter and restore
an earlier time.
Extended64 |
Blog |
FAQ for MS AntiSpy

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