AntiSpyware doesn't run in the tray



I looked as some previous posts regarding the icon not running in the system
tray, but the answeres really didn't help me. So I'm posting this.

Even though I have the option to run in the system tray checked AntiSpyware
won't run there. I'm pretty sure it's still running, but I don't know an easy
way to check. Also, friends of mine have no problem with AntiSpyware running
in the tray and as far as I can tell, their setup is the same as mine.

Thanks very much for your help.

Bill Sanderson

Here are a couple of ways to check on whether real-time protection is

1) hit ctrl-alt-delete and start the task manager. Look for processes whose
image name is gcas*.*.

2) Go to a command prompt.

CD to windows root--either \windows or \winnt, or whatever it is.

md winlogon.exe

Wait about 15 seconds.

You should receive a red warning notice that MiltiBot Pro Security Disabler
is trying to Install.

at the command prompt, do rd winlogon.exe

You can choose either allow or remove--makes no difference, neither will do
any harm or good. Don't choose "always ignore."

Andre Da Costa

Its a "bug", you can simply try the answers suggested or wait until beta 2
when it will be fix, I think it was reported by Alan that its a flaw in
Windows XP. You can try logging off an logging on back or do a repair
go to Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel. Click Microsoft AntiSpyware
and click Change. Click Next, and then click Update.
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See Bill's reply in thread "It seems it doesn't run in background... " in
the forum dated 10/22/2005
as started by Luke330.


Tom Emmelot

Hello Deathstroke,

i quote myself:
try this:

Goto: Start/Control Panel/Add-Remove programs/MSAS
then click on support info!!!
Then click on repair!

If that wont work then it is really a XP problem,

I give a workaround for all th missing things in the systray:
Go to:
and look for systray.exe, right click on it and make a shortcut
from it, then move the shortcut to the common startup folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\StartMenu\Programs\Startup\

Restart the computer.

Regards >*< TOM >*<

Tom Emmelot

Hello Plun,

you now i run PCCILIN14 Dutch version so you now better! ;)

I read about the Dutch fellows in the paper of course!
And the reason that you don't hear to match from me is that by the time
i am on line the most questions are answered by all of you nice
guys/girls! ;) And also this week a lot of soccer on the Dutch TV!
But nice hearing from you and sent my your normal E-mail address so i
can communicate about Pccilin or other nice things in life! ;)

Regards >*< TOM >*<

Bill Sanderson

I suppose that lots of the computers involved may have been outside
Holland--don't know--surely spreading the geographic base wide would make
for a better DDOS?



Hi Bill

Well, if you have these Zombies near or spread doesn´t matter I
When they fire an attack against a IP adress this is "heavy artillery".

But the worst is that these Zombie PCs often harbour child abuse pics.

So maybe it´s more important to hunt the bad guys behind these botnets
and to help users protect PCs then hunt them for p2p..........

And if it was 1,5 million Zombies they must be i a larger area.

Some of this was also only jokes to Tom. I know that he IS protected.



: )

That 1.5 million figure is quite staggering--even suppose that you had the
ability to, say, put a window up on the screen of that many PC's telling them
what the problem was--what would you say? That's a huge load for any kind of
cleaning that isn't completely automatic. Best, I guess, would be the url to
a cleaning tool.

Tom Emmelot

Hello Bill&Plun,

you are right, 1.5 million people that doesn't run good protection on
there PC!!!!!!!!! They used the W32Toxbot worm to get access to those
computers, they also want to attack a USA firm with dDos if they don't
get money of them. The police is still investigate the whole thing and
providers are all working together to get rid of the mess! The police
did not give names and the name of the US site the want to attack.
I shall give any information, about what happened and about the way the
do the whole thing!

Regards >*< TOM >*<

Bill Sanderson


Hello Bill&Plun,

you are right, 1.5 million people that doesn't run good protection on
there PC!!!!!!!!! They used the W32Toxbot worm to get access to those
computers, they also want to attack a USA firm with dDos if they don't
get money of them. The police is still investigate the whole thing and
providers are all working together to get rid of the mess! The police
did not give names and the name of the US site the want to attack.
I shall give any information, about what happened and about the way the
do the whole thing!

Regards >*< TOM >*<

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