Antispy in Safe Mode

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MS team,
Recently I was hit with a number of things that a trojan let in my computer.
Along with a small army of anti this and anti that programs, I used your
Antispy Beta 1.0.701. I was very happy about what it was able to do for me..
I have but 1 complaint. Resolution. When trying to get rid of a pest,
sometimes it is necessary to enter Safe Mode, which only allows you 1 display
resolution. Can you, in your next update, make a button in the options which
could change the appearance of the Antispy interface to account for this lack
of desktop space. Maybe an interface window which is simple frames, and not
so graphic dependant. Some of the things in your interface require a set
amount of space, therefore the result data displayed becomes difficult to

Or you could just make a few "Skins" based on resolutions, starting with
640x480. where the interface looks identical in all but the produced graphics
and text are various sizes.

I really dig the program, I see only this one flaw.

I think that we will find that beta2 is indeed much improved in a number of
UI areas, including this one. Effective operation in safe mode remains a
necessity, I'm afraid, and I believe this will be taken care of.
Hello Bill,

Trend PCCillin 2006, will not work in save mode and is attend to do not!
They make a list off all the things that not can't remove at the scan
and ask to reboot to clean that mesh, no trouble starting in save mode!
Don't now why MS can't do that in the same way!

Regards >*< TOM >*<

Bill Sanderson schreef:
That sounds like an excellent design--I don't know what Microsoft will do
with beta2, and I'm not sure what, for example, does when it
is trying to clean a bug that requires safe mode. Unfortunately, I don't
get much actual cleaning experience!
