Anti Virus Measures

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andy Pont AMIAP
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Andy Pont AMIAP

Has anyone included anti-virus software as part of their XPE image?
If so whose, how easy was it to componentize, how much excess fat did
it bring into the image?

What is the communities considered opinion on this - is it worth

Any information would be much appreciated.

Thanks and regards,


I do not ship my product with anti-virus s/w.

I use the RAM-based EWF which offers some level of protection in that if my
box was to be infected, in most cases a reboot would restore the machine.
The case that the EWF does not handle is if the virus uses your box as a

Also, my product is headless. It's a remote field service problem to keep
the virus dat files updated especially when the box is powered off when not
in use, i.e. it's hard to schedule the auto update when the box is off.
Another thing, I wouldn't want the automatic virus checking running all the
time for performance reasons. Some debate what use anti-virus s/w is if
it's not running all the time.

One other thing... my box is tightly locked down. Before any release, I run
the Retina security tool which tries to hack in via open ports, shares, null
session, remote registry access, etc. I recommend implementing tcp/ip port
filtering, and if you use IIS then run the LockDown Tool and URLscan. Plus,
it's a good idea to change the http port to something other than 80.

Security is a huge issue worth investing time into. A few tweaks can get
your box a long way to being secure.

HTH... Doug
It would be really appreciable if sumone from MS enlighten on the anti
virus measures.
I don't understand. What would you like MS to recommend?

We are all responsible for securing our own products ;-)

.... Doug
I designed a satellite based router and I ship anitvirus as an upgrade.


Sean Gahan
I was curious to see if there are antivirus programs that
are recommended for ms embedded systems.

You can use the same ones that are used for XP Pro, i.e. Norton, McAfee,

HTH... Doug
What components are needed to be assured that antivirus
software will run and is working?


At a minimum, you will need the windows installer components so the
anti-virus s/w can be loaded. Also, beware of disabling the 8.3 naming
convention since I read somewhere that this can break anti-virus s/w.

HTH... Doug