Anti Virus Closure


Bruce Deschacht

I have Windows XP Home edition with an 1.3GHz AMD Athlon,
256mb RAM and two 38GB hard drives, and have recently
started encountering problems with my Anti Virus software.

Normally, (I used AVG Free Edition) would be in the task
bar and keeping my system protected, but one day my
taskbar icon disappeared, so I reopen it, but a few
seconds later its gone again, so I open up the main
program, and that closes by its self as well. Thinking
this was a problem with AVG, I downloaded Kaspersky anti
virus personal, but that too closes a few seconds after

Could I have a virus?

Any help would be appreciated
Bruce Deschacht

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Bruce,

You DO have a virus, many of the av programs are disabled by the bugs to
avoid detection. Klez and Swen are both known to do this, but they are not
the only ones. Try restarting in Safe mode and running AVG there.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Windows
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone


-----Original Message-----
I have Windows XP Home edition with an 1.3GHz AMD Athlon,
256mb RAM and two 38GB hard drives, and have recently
started encountering problems with my Anti Virus software.

Normally, (I used AVG Free Edition) would be in the task
bar and keeping my system protected, but one day my
taskbar icon disappeared, so I reopen it, but a few
seconds later its gone again, so I open up the main
program, and that closes by its self as well. Thinking
this was a problem with AVG, I downloaded Kaspersky anti
virus personal, but that too closes a few seconds after

Could I have a virus?

Any help would be appreciated
Bruce Deschacht
So much for freebies huh?


Nope, I've run kaspersky in Safe Mode, and it found three
small viruses, but no klez or swen, and it still closes.
Anything else?


Ah, Stinger, yeah, thats pulled my fat out of the flame a
few time now, maybe it'll help this time, thanks for the
tip, i'll tell you if it works


Erm...anyone know why my computer has just started
squealing like a pig? I think it has something to do with


If you are having problems with viruses and you are running AVG, I would
strongly recommend that you get another AV prog.. I use McAfee version 7
Professional, and have yet to pick up a virus or trojan.. in fact, I have
used McAfee since it first appeared and have never had a problem..

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

How updated are the definition files that Kaspersky is using? It can't find
it if it doesn't know it exists.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Windows
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

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