Anti Virus and Spyware for Apple

Mar 5, 2004
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Do Apple Macs require anti virus checking and anti spyware etc? If so, anyone know any good (free) ones?
Yes, I would prefer all Mac owners to be a bit more responsible and install an AV program. :nod:

While I/they know they are basically immune to Windows Viruses and other nasties, they can become carriers or unwitting sources. Mac user, using an AV program, can offer downstream protection, that is to say, their AV program is also scanning for Windows' nasties. :thumb:

Mac antivirus software is in short supply and the options for free Mac virus scanners is even more limited. Still, there are a couple of free Mac antivirus software available. For details, see: Free Antivirus Software.

Clam is also a favourite with Linux users. ;)

All the major pay-for AV vendors do a Mac version. :)

Mac's aren't immune.... just that, generally, viruses aren't written for them.
Why make a virus that will affect a minority when the writer wants to affect as many as possible ?
Eventually when Mac's market share increases these blighters will start appearing more frequently.
Cool, thanks for the advice, I'll get on it.

My girlfriend and I usually have the argument about Mac v PC. She points out that PCs are prone to virus's etc. and I point out that Macs are over-expensive fisher price computers for pretentious people!! haha. I would just like to run some spyware tool etc on it to be on the safe side.

She also liked watching me run the spyware software on my PC as she liked all the little 'bugs' it found and the pictures of the critters!! Girls!!
I use clamxav on my MacBook. I'm genrally quite safe as it sits behind a SonicWall TZ180 doing gateway and spyware protection. However, i've had things get through before onto my Windows XP box.

I peronally think the Mac is a fassion piece. It doesn't do half the stuff my Windows boxes can do although there are a few advanatages such as it deals with different networks a lot beter when compared with Windows.

I'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to computers. Had a play with various variations of OS but always come back to Windows.

The only reason people do not write viruses or nasty stuff for the Mac is due to geeks not wanting to purchase a Mac. They won't write nasties for Linux because users are generally a lot smarter than the writter.

All my opinion of course!
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