

Dave Kiser

Your anti-spyware software CRASHES during a scan if a
hard drive in the PC is being formatted. So every time
someone is reformatting a hard drive, or adding a hard
drive and formatting it, and anti-spyware runs either by
a scheduled event or by the user pressing the scan
button, the program crashes (freezes). It needs to be
updated to recognize if a drive is not able to be scanned
for any reason, and simply skip that drive, notifying the
user of the reason it was skipped.

Bill Sanderson

Thanks--that is good feedback. I'm not sure I have a way to test it at the
moment--and it may not be something the testers at Microsoft think of.

Steve Dodson [MSFT]

What types of drives were used? What hardware? Can you give me a step by
step repro to cause this to happen?


Steve Dodson [MSFT]
PSS Security


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