Ron McCormick
I posted this earlier in the day with a different subject
heading (including the word "Pivot Table"). Is "Pivot
Table" a phrase that Excel Programmers choke on? I have
posted several questions over a period of time on Pivot
Tables and none has received any response. Even a
direction as to where I can get help if this list can't
help would be a great help!!!!
Anyhow the real question is:
I wish to copy a pivot table report and name
it "PivotTable_2". How do I do this programmatically? I
tried recording a macro and came up with the following:
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotSelect "",
Application.Goto Reference:="Target_Region"
Application.CutCopyMode = False
= "PivotTable_2"
The problem is that next time I run the procedure the
Pivot Table to be named "PivotTable_2" is "PivotTable9".
How do I get the table to be "PivotTable8" each time? (If
I knew that I wouldn't actually need to rename it
as "PivotTable_2"!).
heading (including the word "Pivot Table"). Is "Pivot
Table" a phrase that Excel Programmers choke on? I have
posted several questions over a period of time on Pivot
Tables and none has received any response. Even a
direction as to where I can get help if this list can't
help would be a great help!!!!
Anyhow the real question is:
I wish to copy a pivot table report and name
it "PivotTable_2". How do I do this programmatically? I
tried recording a macro and came up with the following:
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotSelect "",
Application.Goto Reference:="Target_Region"
Application.CutCopyMode = False
= "PivotTable_2"
The problem is that next time I run the procedure the
Pivot Table to be named "PivotTable_2" is "PivotTable9".
How do I get the table to be "PivotTable8" each time? (If
I knew that I wouldn't actually need to rename it
as "PivotTable_2"!).