Alysa, just to update you...
It seems that this ATL dll is related to Visual Studio - I
assume something on your system is written in Visual C++
and has discovered that the ANSI version is registered
instead of the UNICODE one.
It appears that Windows 2000 will run alright with
the "wrong" dll - just a fraction of a second slower; and
who'll notice that? See the last two paragraphs in this
If you do a search for ATL.DLL (no digits!), you should
find at least one instance of this on your system.
Whether this is the ANSI or UNICODE version may depend on
the folder path.
The following article does indicate how to install the
correct one on your system - if you have the Visual Studio
installation CDs:
I hope this helps - if not, the bottom line is that W2k
runs with either the ANSI or UNICODE version of ATL.DLL -
so, there's no need to worry!
Kindest regards,