Another year starts [mucks edit, it's his burpday]

Jan 4, 2003
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OK thts it It's all come together now I understand temporary insanity is no longer a better excuse

I am fast approaching middle age. Someone please stop the pain and anguish ;)
Happy? Burpday. :D

36 ain't nothing at all TD ;)

Have a good birthday mate! :D
Happy birthday


and sMucks PLEASE stop that "burp"day
its sooooooooo annoying

and "boif" day?

its "BIRTH"DAY!!!! :)

Thanks everyone. Me mates are taking me out to Liverpool tonight hopefully should be a good night.

Thanks for that Edit Mucks was trying to make it not too obvious ;)
Happy Birthday Triplexdread! :D Hope you are having a good one and enjoy your celebration tonight :thumb: :wave:Have fun!
Happy birthday ya scouse git :)

wait til it gets past 50, then you can complain

before then, just be grateful :)
LMAO plick ;)

Had a good night over in the pool. Went to a number of bars then onto China town for a meal. All-in-all, although there was only 3 of us had a really good night. Feeling a little plissed after all those vodka redbulls. BTW is not true. Redbull dont give you wings at all. If it did I could have saved on Taxi fare, lmao

Thanks for all the congratulatory remarks :P

Is that a real word ;)

50?!?!?! no way, never heard of anyone ever getting that old ;)
Happy birthday Trips :D
36 huh? :lol:
Aincient... no doubt about it :nod:
definitely past his bestby date...
Did anyone remember to call the coroner?