Hi Jess,
Jeff Louie said:
Hi Peter... There are products that will generate code from a UML
Absolutly, I'm using Rational XDE ( used to use Rose before) and it generate
the code directly from the diagram as well as generate the diagram from the
I usually do my designing in my head <g>, but others like to draw
pictures to document and share their thought process.
Well I think that all design first on the head

but the thing is that UML
is a standard way to represent what we think inside our head, each one think
in different ways ( some very twisted

), we also write code in different
ways, but as UML is a standard notation then it's the best way to share a
design among different people especially in this world where the person
really programming maybe half a world away from the person that did the
design. in such an environment UML is a key piece.
Unless there is a way to program in UML,
I went to a conference with a Rational representative and they said that
they were doing research in that way.
then there are two representations: UML and
code, which requires synchronization of the
two, ie, extra work.
No really, it depends of the tool you use, Rational XDE does it for you and
I think that MS Visio does it too.