... another request for a book recommendation.

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This listobject and tables in 2010 are confusing me (2003 experience)

I have a Sybex book by Steve Hansen, "Excel 2003 Programming with VBA". Best Excel book I ever saw. I still refer to it. But he didn't do a 2010 andhe doesn't cover Tables and ListObjects.

I would like a suggestion for the next generation. I've seen a lot of fat books that just dump Microsoft text. I don't want that. I'm looking for something that deals with VBA programming WITH these new TABLES, and it explains things - examples, how and why. I've seen some good examples on the web - but these authors seem to jump around the worksheet and table as if they were the same thing. They also assume you are conversant in ListOject'ese.

Not a VBA for dummies book, or something for a PhD either.

Thanks for any suggestions. I dying here.