Brian Wescombe
For some reason, my PNY Attache 1GB drive which Vista said wasn't fast
enough to use as a ReadyBoost device is now working! I didn't do anything,
just plugged it in again. Anyway, when I first started the readyBoost,
there's a few minutes of Hand flash drive activity (presumably copying files
to the Flash drive ?) - but this slows the PC down! Especially if the
drive's plugged in an boot-up - it takes about 5 minutes for the drive
activity to stop and for the PC to be fully booted once the desktop appears.
Without the RB active, boot-up is much quicker.
What's going on here? Seems strange that the system designed to speed up the
PC is actually slowing it down due to disk activity!
enough to use as a ReadyBoost device is now working! I didn't do anything,
just plugged it in again. Anyway, when I first started the readyBoost,
there's a few minutes of Hand flash drive activity (presumably copying files
to the Flash drive ?) - but this slows the PC down! Especially if the
drive's plugged in an boot-up - it takes about 5 minutes for the drive
activity to stop and for the PC to be fully booted once the desktop appears.
Without the RB active, boot-up is much quicker.
What's going on here? Seems strange that the system designed to speed up the
PC is actually slowing it down due to disk activity!