I have a workbook with 9 worksheets. These sheets are named different
names, but let’s just say they are named sheet1 – sheet9. Sheet1 is
named “Main” while the other ones are different.
When you open the workbook, I want only sheet1 (sheet1 named “Main)
showing and all the other sheets hidden.
I want a macro in sheet1 (sheet1 is named “Main) that when clicked
will pop up a box asking something like: click 1 to view sheet2; click
2 to view sheet3…etc), when the number is selected, I want the macro
to hide all other sheets and unhide sheet3 for viewing.
names, but let’s just say they are named sheet1 – sheet9. Sheet1 is
named “Main” while the other ones are different.
When you open the workbook, I want only sheet1 (sheet1 named “Main)
showing and all the other sheets hidden.
I want a macro in sheet1 (sheet1 is named “Main) that when clicked
will pop up a box asking something like: click 1 to view sheet2; click
2 to view sheet3…etc), when the number is selected, I want the macro
to hide all other sheets and unhide sheet3 for viewing.