I've looked over all of the responses to people asking how to select multiple items. But nothing makes complete sense to me. I don't know much coding, but can play with it and usually figure out what I need if given a template...but these table form parent relationship stuff is just completely losing me. So I will give my exact situation and hopefully someone will be able to help me with good details.
We have 1 table linked to 1 form...basically it's a paper form created in Access and enters all of its information on to 1 table. We will eventually have multiple forms, each with their own form and table all linked by their client number (primary key).
One question we are asking the person to select all Pubic Assistance they receive: None-1, Food Stamps-2, Housing Assistance-3, General Assistance-4, Badgercare-5, and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)-6.
If more than 1 is selected, we need to upload to the government as such 1,2,4 if those are the 3 that are chosen.
Right now it is set up as an option group, it allows you to select one and then I can go into the table and enter in the other numbers in the format that is required...but this is very time consuming and hard to explain to the program assistant doing data entry.
I tried to do individual check boxes, but I can't check just one. If I try to check one they all check or none of them check. This field IS NOT set up as a yes/no value. But rather as a text value and I used a look up value to set the number values for the options.
If this requires creating additional tables, I have no idea where to start on setting them up and getting them to link properly. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
We have 1 table linked to 1 form...basically it's a paper form created in Access and enters all of its information on to 1 table. We will eventually have multiple forms, each with their own form and table all linked by their client number (primary key).
One question we are asking the person to select all Pubic Assistance they receive: None-1, Food Stamps-2, Housing Assistance-3, General Assistance-4, Badgercare-5, and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)-6.
If more than 1 is selected, we need to upload to the government as such 1,2,4 if those are the 3 that are chosen.
Right now it is set up as an option group, it allows you to select one and then I can go into the table and enter in the other numbers in the format that is required...but this is very time consuming and hard to explain to the program assistant doing data entry.
I tried to do individual check boxes, but I can't check just one. If I try to check one they all check or none of them check. This field IS NOT set up as a yes/no value. But rather as a text value and I used a look up value to set the number values for the options.
If this requires creating additional tables, I have no idea where to start on setting them up and getting them to link properly. Any help would be greatly appreciated!