Joe Fallon
Public MustInherit Class My3rdLevelClass
Inherits GeneratedClass
Public Shared Function GetSomething() As String
Return "Something"
End Function
In the sample above I have declared the class as MustInherit.
I have questions about the scope of the GetSomething method.
I was able to call it directly from a class in the same project.
What should it be set to in order to allow a class that inherits it the
ability to "use it" but that does not allow anyone to call it directly?
Inherits GeneratedClass
Public Shared Function GetSomething() As String
Return "Something"
End Function
In the sample above I have declared the class as MustInherit.
I have questions about the scope of the GetSomething method.
I was able to call it directly from a class in the same project.
What should it be set to in order to allow a class that inherits it the
ability to "use it" but that does not allow anyone to call it directly?