Dallas said:
why, when in control panel, are not all the icons in one but the other
Sorry, Dallas, but this string of words doesn't make any sense. Please
type like I am, using complete sentences and capital letters where
For what it's worth, when you are in Control Panel, you can choose
between Category View and Classic View. Which one are you using?
and can i get performance & maintenance from the one view to the other
Okay, Performance and Maintenance is a category in Category View. What
is it exactly that you want to do?
and per a post below, i still don't know what wmp i am running
When you talk about "a post below," it's difficult to know what you are
talking about. For instance, in my news reader, the post below yours is
"screen resolution for windows XP" by Toni. Remember, no one can see
what is on your screen!
But to find out, why not just run WMP? Then click on Help | About
Windows Media Player.