Another PSU????!?!?!

Jan 4, 2003
Reaction score
Oh dear after installin my two SATA 160's on the RAID ATA to acompany the other 6 drives,
DVD rewriter,
Dual core CPU,
2GB ram,
Twin GFX cards

I've had nothing but sytem crashes and reboots :(

Damnit gonna have to get another PSU, my Thermaltake 560 aint cutting it for some reason!

Wheres that power calculator? I'm sure someone made it a sticky cant find it tho. Gonna have to check i think

**EDIT no matter I found it

OK just done calculation firstly it came out at recommended PSU 560 which is what I have, however I forgot to add USB peripherals. It now comes to 576w :(

Oh well disconnection of a drive it will have to be
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I would always add another 100W to the total to give you some headroom TD - but of course as Mucks always says its not just the total wattage you need to look at - its the ability to stabily maintain the correct voltages on the respective rails, something that really only good makes can be relied upon.

Don't know which calculator you found - but for others info the one I think that was stickied was :thumb:
Yeah thats the the I found. Ive sold one of the drives in here anyway so that will give me some usage drop.