Well I went further but now I'm stuck with the latest "hard" point in my
program. I have this structure in C++
typedef struct _PACKET {
PVOID Buffer;
UINT Length;
UINT ulBytesReceived;
BOOL bIoComplete;
"PVOID Buffer" will received an array of byte of size 256*1024. I need
to allocate this array in my C# program. The C++ Dll will insert the
data in the structure and I need to read this new value in my C# program.
The corresponding structure in C#:
public struct PACKET
public IntPtr Buffer;
public uint Length;
public uint ulBytesReceived;
public bool bIoComplete;
Declaration of the function
BOOLEAN PacketReceivePacket(LPADAPTER AdapterObject,LPPACKET
lpPacket,BOOLEAN Sync);
[ DllImport( "Packet32.dll", SetLastError=true,
EntryPoint="PacketReceivePacket" ) ]
private static extern bool DllPacketReceivePacket(IntPtr pHandle, IntPtr
pPacket, bool sync);
And here is the function where I use all the previous stuff:
public bool ReceivePacket(out byte[] data, out uint bytesReceived, bool
IntPtr tmp, tmp2;
PACKET packet;
tmp = LocalAlloc(MemoryAllocFlags.LPTR,
tmp2 = LocalAlloc(MemoryAllocFlags.LPTR,
packet.ulBytesReceived = 0;
packet.bIoComplete = false;
packet.Length = 256*1024;
byte[] test = new byte[256*1024];
packet.Buffer = LocalAlloc(MemoryAllocFlags.LPTR, (uint)test.Length);
if (packet.Buffer == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new OutOfMemoryException("Couldn't allocate memory for message
Marshal.Copy(test, 0, packet.Buffer, test.Length);
data = null;
Marshal.StructureToPtr(adapterHandle, tmp, false);
Marshal.StructureToPtr(packet, tmp2, false);
bool res = DllPacketReceivePacket(tmp, tmp2, sync);
Marshal.PtrToStructure(tmp2, packet);
bytesReceived = packet.ulBytesReceived;
return res;
catch(Exception e)
string msg = e.Message;
bytesReceived = 0;
return false;
I check in the C++ Dll, and the value of PACKET.ulBytesReceived is
correctly modified, but I don't get back the new value in the C# program
after the marshalling of the pointer to the structure... Can someone
tell me what is wrong?
Thank you in advance!
Well I went further but now I'm stuck with the latest "hard" point in my
program. I have this structure in C++
typedef struct _PACKET {
PVOID Buffer;
UINT Length;
UINT ulBytesReceived;
BOOL bIoComplete;
"PVOID Buffer" will received an array of byte of size 256*1024. I need
to allocate this array in my C# program. The C++ Dll will insert the
data in the structure and I need to read this new value in my C# program.
The corresponding structure in C#:
public struct PACKET
public IntPtr Buffer;
public uint Length;
public uint ulBytesReceived;
public bool bIoComplete;
Declaration of the function
BOOLEAN PacketReceivePacket(LPADAPTER AdapterObject,LPPACKET
lpPacket,BOOLEAN Sync);
[ DllImport( "Packet32.dll", SetLastError=true,
EntryPoint="PacketReceivePacket" ) ]
private static extern bool DllPacketReceivePacket(IntPtr pHandle, IntPtr
pPacket, bool sync);
And here is the function where I use all the previous stuff:
public bool ReceivePacket(out byte[] data, out uint bytesReceived, bool
IntPtr tmp, tmp2;
PACKET packet;
tmp = LocalAlloc(MemoryAllocFlags.LPTR,
tmp2 = LocalAlloc(MemoryAllocFlags.LPTR,
packet.ulBytesReceived = 0;
packet.bIoComplete = false;
packet.Length = 256*1024;
byte[] test = new byte[256*1024];
packet.Buffer = LocalAlloc(MemoryAllocFlags.LPTR, (uint)test.Length);
if (packet.Buffer == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new OutOfMemoryException("Couldn't allocate memory for message
Marshal.Copy(test, 0, packet.Buffer, test.Length);
data = null;
Marshal.StructureToPtr(adapterHandle, tmp, false);
Marshal.StructureToPtr(packet, tmp2, false);
bool res = DllPacketReceivePacket(tmp, tmp2, sync);
Marshal.PtrToStructure(tmp2, packet);
bytesReceived = packet.ulBytesReceived;
return res;
catch(Exception e)
string msg = e.Message;
bytesReceived = 0;
return false;
I check in the C++ Dll, and the value of PACKET.ulBytesReceived is
correctly modified, but I don't get back the new value in the C# program
after the marshalling of the pointer to the structure... Can someone
tell me what is wrong?
Thank you in advance!